If youare reading this and you go to school with me, then you will know that I reallyam SO UN-organized! Iam always forgetting homework, bringing the wrong school books in, gettingmuddled up with days, and the list goes on!
- - Ifyou have a mirror, get a whiteboard pen and you can write on it just like whiteboard! So when you get ready in themorning you’ll be able to see it and be reminded about what you have to remember!
- Writeit on your hand! I know, I know, it seems simple but its SO effective! It defiantlyhelps me remember.
- Buya dry-erase calendar! Mine, (pictured) is from PB teen.
Sometimes,I get my friends to remind Me about stuff I have to do, for example, I have tofind out some meanings for some words.
Usepost-it-notes! When I get to school, the first thing I do is, go to my lockerto put away, my lunchbox, my school blazer and other stuff, so sometimes I puta sticky note on the inside of my locker so it’s the first thing I see.
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